Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New iPad mini

Just picked up our new iPad mini tonight that we are planning on taking on the trail with us. Had to try out the new blogger app to see if it works. Seems to do pretty well. All is going smoothly here in Mississippi, just working so we will have money when we get off the trail and I am getting some quality time with Mr. Pickenpaugh while he shows me his craft of pottery. Planning on working hard through January then back to the grind on dehydrating food and getting our boxes together that Merry will be sending to us.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

In the beginning.....

So today is Sunday, December 2nd.  We are working to get all the final touches on the boxes that my mom (Gail) will send to us for the northern half of the trail.  We went out and bought a bunch of protein shake powder that we will be having for breakfast, and we are distributing into each of the boxes, and then we will take them to the freezer so they will stay good over the next 8 months (hopefully).  We will be leaving Michigan and making our way south in a couple of days.  It has been really good to see my friends in Michigan that I haven't seen since we went out to Yellowstone this last spring.  It has also been hard to say goodbye to most of them knowing that I won't see them for over a year from now. 

On a positive note, we are very excited to be heading down to Mississippi. It is the next step in the progression leading up to the beginning of the AT.  We can't wait to see MC's family and bask in their love for a while.  We will be starting work soon which will make the time go by faster and help us to earn some of the money we will need while on the trail.  MerryCline just got back last night from spending a week with her sister Peyton and her husband Peter in SanFrancisco so we are ready to get back on track and start working on the supplies we still need to get for our pack weight to get down and the food and supplies that Merry will be shipping to us.