Thursday, September 26, 2013

Driving into Yellowstone

Since we were coming into Yellowstone this time as tourist & not to work we decided to drive in through a gate we had never been through before. Beartooth Pass is one of the highest roads in the country and is located right outside the Northeast gate. We camped just shy of the park in the National Forest by Red Lodge, MT. The next morning was chilly but allowed for some great views. 

This was the start of us getting into the mountains. 

Once we made it to Wyoming the sky's opened up & we saw the Absaroka mountains. In some parts you can see mini glaciers tucked away in divots in the mountains. 

In the middle of the picture here you can see one of the glaciers. 

View of the sun coming up on the mountains. 

As always Yellowstone doesn't upset, the views were one after another spectacular. Mountains and waterfalls at every turn. Coming in this gate was a great choice. 

Right off the bat we start to see wildlife. Bison of course are a staple of Yellowstone. Right now everything is in rut so the bison are in big herds. 

After the bison sightings we came across a grizzly feeding on a carcass. He was way out in the field so we couldn't get a good picture of him but we sat & watched him for a while. About five minutes later a single wolf ran out in front of the car. At first we thought he was someone's dog because some people we standing right beside it. But then we realized it was a freaking wolf. We only got a few shots of him because it all happened so fast but you can kind of see him in the pictures. 

Here he is just after crossing the road. 

He is past the sage brush in the middle of the picture. 

Finally we got into Old Faithful and got to hang out with some of our friends. Weather was nice so we got a round of disc golf in before getting ready for our 70 mile hike. 

On the way to our hikes trail head we past this big beast right on the side of the road. Again everything is in rut so he was trying to steal a little action from a larger males herd. I believe he was unsuccessful. But it was fun to hear him bugle. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Life after the trail

Fortunately for us our life is still an adventure off the trail. My wonderful mom drove up to Maine to meet us after our summit day. She had a wonderful trip to Nova Scotia all planned out. We went to Peggy's Cove, Fundy National Park, Annapolis Royal, Manan Island and many other places.

Acadia National Park, Maine

Mom doing her Egyptian in Maine. 

Collecting treasures from off the shore. 

Outdoor art gallery. If you look close the thing we are standing in is in the shape of an owl. 

A huge dinner table an artist made from his family query. He had wonderful statues & yard art everywhere. We even got to feed his catfish in his pond on his land. 

Peggy's Cove outside of Halifax, NS

Watching the lobster boats roll in. 

The view from the ferry leaving Manna Island. The fog was so thick this was one of the few times we could see the island. 

 We took 10 days just driving around, collecting rocks, enjoying views and relaxing. It was a great way to ease back into the real world. 

Scallop shells all washed up on the shore in Fundy, NP

After our vacation from our vacation we headed back down to Michigan to see Patricks family. We were greeted with big hugs & delicious food. Being back in a large city like Kalamazoo, MI we realized how much in a hurry everyone is. Everyone drives there cars fast, through a fast drive through, for a fast meal before they go to work & hope for time to fly by fast so they can drive back home. I guess when you are forced to walk everywhere you want to go at a max speed of 3.5 miles per hour your priorities get changed. We are still walking as much as we can to run errands like coffee or to the grocery store. In fact I had Patrick hauling a 8 lb ham & some can goods back from the grocery store on foot just a few days ago. 
Our biggest challenge has been keeping active. We have been running, disc golfing & playing tennis but we still have been feeling the need to do more. Keeping up a good exercise & eating plan has been our top priority and most difficult task to adjusting to our life again.
As I write this blog we are currently on our way to Yellowstone National Park to do another hike & see some friends. Our hike we have planned is called the Thoroughfare & it is a 70 mile hike in the most remote area in the lower 48 states. It is also one of the most high grizzly bear populations in Yellowstone, so we will be taking precautions.   We are really excited to get back out in the woods. 

As for our trail buddies Sleeping Beauty is currently finishing up his hike. He has done some flip flopping back & forth on the trail hiking with different folks just taking his time enjoying everyday in the woods. 
Spanky is back in Nashville trying to do some work with his dad. I think his plans are to save up enough money to hike the Pacific Crest Trail next summer. This trail is longer than the Appalachian Trail but not as hard, so I hear. He is trying to convince us to join him. 

As for us, our plans for now are enjoy Yellowstone! Here are a few pictures of us on the trail that some friends have shared with us. Enjoy! 

When we made it to Virginia. Look how short PaddyCakes beard is. 

Good ole New Jersey. 

Being Silly!

Walking like an Egyptian. 

Our best hitch of the trail was on the back of a Port-a-Potty sucker truck. All four of us got a ride in the rain hitching the wrong way. But the best part was the trucks name was "Wizard of Ooze"!!!

Crossing into Connecticut

I just want to give a quick thanks to everyone for following our blog & giving us positive feedback & support. It really was a big help. We will have some post for our Yellowstone trip so keep on checking the blog. 