Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Work work work

Happy New Year everyone! The work has began. We will find out in a couple of days wether we will get the contract that will keep us busy for all of January or wether we will be free to have fun instead. We already have a trip to New Orleans planned in a couple of days. Can't put a lid on our wanderlust. MerryCline has been busy helping her mom with appraisal work and Mr. Pickenpaugh has been teaching me his craft of pottery. It has been challenging and wonderful at the same time and I think I am finally getting the hang of throwing pots, but I still have SO much to learn. It has been raining regularly down here in Mississippi so it has been difficult for us to exercise the way we would like. MerryCline has been putting in a total of 5 miles every day that she can, 3 running and 2 walking. I go with her when I can but it has been upsetting my IT band so I have been getting 20 or so miles in on my bike when the weather allows.
We are still in the process of getting some companies to sponsor us. Our water filter company, Sawyer, has donated bags that go with our water filter that should get us through the entire trail. Now we are working on Salomon and Brooks to donate two or three pairs of shoes since we will be hiking so many miles in such a short period of time.
More to come later. Thanks for following and for all the love and support from our family and friends!

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