Friday, July 12, 2013

Blood, Sweat & Deet

Looking back on the state of Connecticut I realized I have shed blood, sweat & gone through 6 bottles of full strength deet bug spray.
 What should have been a fall to end my hike ended out just being a elbow scrape. I caught the toe of my shoe while coming down a steep hill & was about to land on my face on top  of some sharp rocks, but I remembered my training of how to fall & did a quick twist and landed on my backpack. I knew it looked bad so I quickly said, I'm ok, I'm ok. Not only to assure PaddyCakes but myself also. The fall was not over though. The hill was so steep that I could not stop myself from rolling down the hill for a second. With the help of a tree & my elbow I was able to finally come to a stop. This was the scariest fall yet. Thank goodness for my trusty backpack!

One of the best things about Connecticut was how much water there was. For the past five days we have gone swimming in either a river, lake or stream. 

Here are some views from the tops of some climbs we had. I can tell the terrain is changing a bit. We don't have as many rocks anymore and starting to do some climbing again. 

We only caught a warm afternoon shower outside of Great Falls. We decided to go into town where there was a Cafe owner who let us tent in his yard. He was a very interesting man who made traditional english style breakfast for us. His wife Annie said Great Falls was the second smallest town in the second smallest state. I even ran into a thru hiker that went to Madison Central High School with Peyton. His name was " Porch". I forgot his real name, will have to ask him when I run into him next & report back. That was cool talking about home with someone from home. 
Great Falls had some falls as we hiked out of town that were very pretty. Unfortunately this spot also had the worst the mosquitos of this entire trip so none of us even cared about the falls. We cared more about applying deet and trying to out run them. 

I did get two quick photos of the falls in between bug spraying.  

A pretty view of some of the climbs to come. 

PaddyCakes with his bug net on next to a standing rock. 

Spanky & I rocking our bug wear throwing up gang signs. 

PaddyCakes enjoying a bug free snack. 

Ever since New Jersey we have seen tons of these rock walls just randomly in the woods. They are so beautiful & I love thinking about how old they are and the time spent to erect them. 

The Daylillies have been in full bloom. 

Some rocks steps up to a climb. 

View from Bear Mountain. 

Here is a picture of some waterfalls back to back right before we left Connecticut. I have really enjoyed this state. The people have been so friendly, the scenery has been georgous & apart from the mosquitos it has been a real enjoyable hike. 

But as always this state too must end! So we say goodbye to Connecticut and hello to Massachusetts.   

Our first camp site in the state had too many rocks so we had to rig up our tarp tents on these platform. 

Our final climb for the day was called Everett Mountain. It had a great view of the state below. 

PaddyCakes climbing up the mountain. 

What a great view!

Another rock wall. This one was covered in moss and right on the trail. 

We haven't stayed in a hotel in three states so we are splurging & treating ourselves. That isn't the only thing our group has gone without. Spanky hasn't done laundry in three states & Sleeping Beauty has gone three states without brushing his teeth!!!!  Sometimes I can't believe I'm hiking with these boys. We are all cleaned & brushed now in Great Barrington, MA. 

1 comment:

  1. Have you guys fried any day Lilly's they are my buddy's BUCKET favorite:)
