Monday, August 19, 2013

Into the wilderness

The past two days have gone by pretty quick. We did back to back 19 miles to make it into Monson, ME, which is the last town before the 100 mile wilderness. It is a very small town that doesn't even have a general store. Also we are here on a Monday so every restaurant apparently closes on Monday so the only place to eat or resupply is the gas station. Good thing we had Mama Gail send our final box of resupply items here! We are excited to start the wilderness tomorrow. We have heard some scary things about how muddy & boggy the trail is. Hopefully since the weather has been good it won't be so bad. Either way we are hoping to make it through in either four or five days. That will be either four 25's or five 20's.  It depends on the terrain & how we are feeling. 

First view of the day. 

Starting to see the lake. 

On top of Moxie Bald. 

There were some cool rock formations up on top. 

View of Moxie Lake below. The lake is where we stopped for the night & to our surprise we walked up on a 10 tent Boy Scout troop at the shelter. We had already pushed 19 miles so we were stuck with the troop for the night. They were super friendly & as far as troops they were one of the most quiet & well behaved bunch I have ever come across. It ended up being just fine. 

Our first & only ford so far on the trip. We thought about taking off our shoes but we said screw it & just went in. Shoes, socks, gators & all. 

They did have a handy rope strung up for help. 

The guy in the background of this picture was uber impressed that we went in full shoes. He had stopped & put on his flip flops to make it across. 

The happiest blaze on the trail. 

To date we have hike 2,071.4 miles & only have 114.5 miles left.  The next time we have cell service we will only have 15 miles left till Mt. Katahdin. I can't believe we are so close. 

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading your blogs as part of my Sunday morning routine! What an incredible journey and the memories will last forever. I am getting mixed emotions of the final 100 plus miles left. Stay safe and congratulations on your commitment to this journey and to each other! Mary Houston
