Thursday, September 26, 2013

Driving into Yellowstone

Since we were coming into Yellowstone this time as tourist & not to work we decided to drive in through a gate we had never been through before. Beartooth Pass is one of the highest roads in the country and is located right outside the Northeast gate. We camped just shy of the park in the National Forest by Red Lodge, MT. The next morning was chilly but allowed for some great views. 

This was the start of us getting into the mountains. 

Once we made it to Wyoming the sky's opened up & we saw the Absaroka mountains. In some parts you can see mini glaciers tucked away in divots in the mountains. 

In the middle of the picture here you can see one of the glaciers. 

View of the sun coming up on the mountains. 

As always Yellowstone doesn't upset, the views were one after another spectacular. Mountains and waterfalls at every turn. Coming in this gate was a great choice. 

Right off the bat we start to see wildlife. Bison of course are a staple of Yellowstone. Right now everything is in rut so the bison are in big herds. 

After the bison sightings we came across a grizzly feeding on a carcass. He was way out in the field so we couldn't get a good picture of him but we sat & watched him for a while. About five minutes later a single wolf ran out in front of the car. At first we thought he was someone's dog because some people we standing right beside it. But then we realized it was a freaking wolf. We only got a few shots of him because it all happened so fast but you can kind of see him in the pictures. 

Here he is just after crossing the road. 

He is past the sage brush in the middle of the picture. 

Finally we got into Old Faithful and got to hang out with some of our friends. Weather was nice so we got a round of disc golf in before getting ready for our 70 mile hike. 

On the way to our hikes trail head we past this big beast right on the side of the road. Again everything is in rut so he was trying to steal a little action from a larger males herd. I believe he was unsuccessful. But it was fun to hear him bugle. 

1 comment:

  1. And the adventure are very fun to follow, very happy/positive people....what was your food plan for the AT? mail drops, resupply in town or a combination? what was standard food in each resupply?
