Monday, March 18, 2013

6 more days.....

We can't believe the time is almost here!! 6 more days and we will be hiking on the Appalachian Trail.  All of the final steps are in motion.  We are making sure we have everything we want in our packs, we have been looking over the Data Book and Thur Hikers Guide.  I'm still feeling nervous because this will be our first thru hike and we have no idea what to expect, but hey, isn't that part of the fun.  A new adventure! We are just anxious to get started and I know everything will fall into line once we do.  This has been a dream of mine since I was a child in boy scouts and MerryCline and I have been planning for over a year now to make it happen.

Everything has been purchased, a couple of frustrating hang ups with shipping from some companies, but overall everything has gone very smoothly.  MerryCline's skills at planning and food preparation have been so wonderful.  Our dehydrated meals are in the freezer with just a couple of items that need to be added to the packages.  Merry will be coming back from her job in Arkansas on Thursday and we will be leaving for Amicalola Falls State Park on Saturday, spend the night somewhere and start the hike up Springer Mountain to the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail.  Not much left to do but hurry  up and wait while we take care of the last minute small things. 


  1. Hey, go to your dashboard/design tab and enable email following, or GFC-google friend connect so that Pete and I can stalk you properly. ;)

  2. Let us know when you might be around Bastian, VA (closest point for us) and we'll try to meet up with you!
