Monday, March 25, 2013

Here we the snow!

Yesterday Patrick, Mom and I checked out Amicalola Falls State Park in Georgia. We went to the visitors center and officially weighed our packs and checked in for starting the trail this morning. Patrick's pack weighs 30 lbs and mine weighs 33 lbs. We hiked the first two miles of the approach trail to the Appalachian Trail and ran into several thru-hikers. All men, and all with very heavy packs. One guy in particular "Z" had a pack weight of 55lbs. One challenge I foresee having is the lack of female comrades through this adventure. Either way it is going to be a great adventure that we start today. Our plan is for mom to drive us up to the trail where we will then backtrack one mile to the start of the trail on Springer Mountain. We are so excited to finally start the adventure that we have been planning for over a year. Make sure y'all check us out on the map to keep track of our daily progress.

"Let The Great Migration Begin!"

By the way it's snowing today!!

Everyone please remember that we will only be able to make posts when we come to towns. So keep checking back, or better yet, join this site on the right hand side of the screen to receive e-mails when we make a post. Love love -MC


  1. MC!!!! Patrick!!! Yay!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I still remember the first day I started the trail...8 freakin years ago! We also had snow!!! Made the shelters crowded but cozy! MC, I think you'll be surprised at how many women you will eventually meet out there! For now, maybe they're just not as hardy as you with this early start date and the snow! :) I wish I was with you guys now!!! Maybe I can join in the north sometime this summer! I wish you both luck and will be thinking about you and living vicariously through you while I spend most of my time indoors studying! lol! love you guys! Meg

  2. MerryCline & Patrick, It was a joy being with you two watching you guys begin your great adventure and sending you off in the snow. I know you will have a great time. Just remember to stop and "look at the icicles" ... as it to early and cold to "smell the flower". Loved every minute of the short very cold hike. Robert mailed you first package today. Love you so much. MOM
