Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bellfry Home

As Paddy Cakes and I rolled into Buena Vista we were excited to soon see Mr. Coffey (Patricks dad) who was coming to spend a few days with us. Before he got into town we were picked up by a wonderful woman named Pat who owned a wine store and she gave us a ride into town. She pointed us to some good restaurants and good places to relax while we waited. While in town we met up with Sleeping Beauty and Etch-a- Sketch. Sleeping Beauty's dad and brother were on there way to come hike with him so they invited us all to come stay with them in a home right outside of town named the Bellfry.

This house was amazing. It was a three story home with a bell tower, a porch tower, a labyrinth in the backyard, a man cave and much much more. We were welcomed into the home by the care taker where we showered, did laundry and had a delicious home made meal made by Sleeping Beauty's, Aunt Kathy. It was a wonderful unexpected treat. 

Stained glass front door

The two story porch tower

Paddy Cakes enjoying the view from a swing on the porch 

Sunset from my room

They had tons of stained glass windows

The place was so big they had a map of the grounds 

Upstairs the seven rooms had continent themed rooms. I stayed in the Antarctica room. The coolest part was down in the man cave they had two bunk rooms and in one of the rooms they had a rock wall that you use to climb up to the top bunks. It was so cool and a well thought out home. 

It was a great place to relax and enjoy everyone's company. While we were there Paddy Cakes and I decided to do our first slack packing since we wanted to spend time with Mr. Coffey. Slack Packing is when u have a day pack ( not your full pack with tent and all) and hike the day with only a few items on you. Then we had Mr. Coffey scheduled to come pick us up at pre-determined places and times so we could spend the evenings with him. So we start our slack packing tomorrow, and are looking forward to having a light pack. Will let everyone know how it goes. 


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