Friday, May 24, 2013


After two full months of hiking and only taking four days off from hiking, my wonderful mother and father treated us to an amazing cabin right outside Damascus VA for Trail Days. For those who don't know what Trail Days is, it is one of the largest gatherings of AT thru hikers on the trail. It is a combination of vendors, hikers, bands and everything in between.

Sleeping Beauty and Spanky waiting for mom to come pick is up. 

All the boys got haircuts at the cabin. 

Even dad got a new doo. 

Some of the vendor tents

Dad doing the hula hoop for a discount at one of the vendors tents

Mom and Dad hiking on the creeper trail. 

Some pics of tent city where all the hikers stayed. 

The biggest fire pit I have ever seen. I could stand up on it and the rocks would have been waist high. 

More tents in tent city

Some have more style than others

Trail days was wonderful and fun and all we wished it to be but living in the woods for two months has spoiled us! We were ready to get back to our cozy tent with not so many peeps around. So we said bye to the wonderful parents and headed back to our Appalachian Trail adventures. 


1 comment:

  1. This is Ann Scott and her granddaughter Annie but I couldn't figure put how to reply but Annie helped me and we figured it out but sounds like so much fun but very hard I love to learn about your trip hope everything goes well in these next couple of days!! :)
