Sunday, June 9, 2013

1,000+ Miles

As we finally make it to Harper's Ferry we realize that we are 1,014.3 miles into our journey of hiking the Appalachian Trail. We have been through snow, rain, sleet, fog, sun, humidity and everything else you can think of weather wise. We have gone days without showering, pushed our bodies to breaking points and even punished our feet more than they should ever be punished. But, somehow through all of these we are happier than ever and loving life.

Below are a few pictures of us from Harper's Ferry where we officially registered for the class of 2013 thru-hikers. We got our picture taken and put into a book of hopeful finishers. We also had to say goodbye to the family once again and keep on trucking up to our goal point, only 1,166.7 miles away. Thanks for all the help and motivation from everyone! We hope u have been enjoying our blog so far and please continue to keep following us. 


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