Friday, June 7, 2013

The month of Virginia

As the month of Virginia is coming to a close today we look back and think.....Wow are we ever going to get out of this state.
Well we have completed Virginia and we had some help from Mom, Dixie and Will.

Before we headed out to hike with the family, mom treated us to two nights in a cabin at Lewis Mountain Campground. We ate steaks, enjoyed camp fires and even got showered and cleaned up. 

As mom takes her first step onto the trail we started to head up in elevation. This smile was short lived. 

Heading out on the trail

Immediately we started to see deer everywhere. Dixie even had a few cross in front of her. 

We had plenty of rocks to climb and see the views. 

Will acquired the trail name Walkie Talkie  

We took a side trail to South River waterfall where we soaked our feet and had a few snacks. We even saw two snakes. 

Before we found a place to tent for the night Paddy Cakes and Walkie Talkie found a hidden graveyard hidden in the woods. The graves were from the 1800's & early 1900's. 

The next day we did a big climb up to Big  Top mountain. It was over a 1,000 climb to 3587 feet. 

The next day it started to rain and wasn't going to let up for several days. Paddy Cakes, Walkie Talkie and myself pushed an 18 mile day. 

The plan was for Dixie and mom to meet us at the shelter then we would find a place to tent. Well..... Plans changed while we were hiking so Dixie and mom had to play a scavenger hunt of "find our children" so they wrote all kinda of notes and placed them along the road crossings. 

To our great surprise the change of plans was a hotel room out of the rain. We got to dry our clothes and have a fabulous Mexican dinner. 

The last day we hiked it was foggy, misty but warm.

Mom loving life on the top of an overlook

Dixie crawling over the fence. 

Foggy weather

We had so much fun hiking with everyone even if it was raining. 

Although we enjoyed Virginia we are ready to be in a new state. We did however hit our 1,000 mile mark which is exciting!!!!!! We are now officially back Northbound on the trail

Also we have a video under MerryCline's Facebook of the fawn deer we saw in Shenandoah.

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