Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summit Day

As the last of the darkness lifted & the morning light woke us we were so excited to get up & start our final hike. On the trail at 6:30 with our packs empty & only carrying food & water we were traveling light for our final 5 miles.

Our first stop was at Mt Katahdin stream. The stream runs down from the top of the mountain. It was ice cold & beautiful so we drank it straight from the source. 

Our first mile was flat & glorious but that ended quickly. We followed stone steps that were ever so appreciated up to Katahdin Waterfall. We were excited to get above tree line so we took in its beauty, but quickly. 

Pretty soon we were above tree line & had great views all around. Unfortunately the stone steps stopped & the boulder climbing began. But, we had so much addrelian it was more fun than work. 

Paddy Cakes showing you how tall some of the boulders were. 

Me climbing through one of the cracks of the boulders. 

After two miles of intense boulder jumping we had a long steep stone walkway up to the top. 

Warming up in a sunny spot. 

Up, up, up!

Looking back at what we had been climbing up. 

After the stone walkway up we had about another mile of rock hopping till we finally caught our first glimpse of " the sign". The sign I speak of is the Katahdin sign which symbolizes the final spot of this 5 month journey. Once we saw it in the distance it lit a fire under our feet & we ran up to claim our victory over the trail. Paddy Cakes greeted it with a kiss while I simply just wrapped my arms around it & said "hello lovely, I've been looking for you!"

Puddin' in pure happiness! 

After we took it all in & congratulated our fellow thru hikers we started to take our Summit picture near the sign. 

At first we just stood behind it. 

Then we decided we could get a little higher. 

So we did. 

Then we decided we could go all the way up. 

So we did. 

Then we took our true VICTORY pose picture!!!!!!

After that we just started being silly with joy. 

Puddin' showing off her hiker body. 

Just goofing off. 

Paddy Cakes with a face of sheer joy. 

A true Egyptian. 

Paddy Cakea showing off his hiker body. 

The last white blaze we had before the trail ended. 

We were originally going to go down this trail on the ridge called " the knifes edge". But after all the climbing up we had already done we were happy our plans were just to return the same way. 

Our last cairn of the trail. Man it was a big one. 

One of our fellow thru hikers named Hoops. She got her name from always carrying a hula hoop. 

Our final picture on top, next to the Mt. Katahdin plaque. 

View from the top. 

Feeling good! 

Looking down at the return path that leads to the real world again. 

My last picture on top of the world. 

We tagged ourselves as official completed thru hikers at the local restaurant in downtown Millinocket, Maine. It took us five months to the day to walk 2,185.9 miles. 

With all that walking you go through a lot of shoes. Mom was kind enough to bring them all back to us to help us reminisce of all the steps we have taken. 

As we look back over the past few months we have many thoughts & feelings about our journey. We will be posting a few more blogs with some insight as to how we feel & our plans to come. Mamma Merry has been wonderful & drove up from Mississippi to pick us up. She has planned a wonderful road trip through Maine & up to Canada. So the real world will have to wait a little longer.

Also, just a side note, when we began this journey we knew it would be a difficult physically, emotionally, and on our relationship.  One way we found to combat the difficulty on our relationship was the idea of "me over you" cards.  They were just imaginary cards that we could choose to play at any time (I'm not sure if we mentioned them in any of our other blogs).  The point of the cards were so that no matter what, if someone wanted something bad enough, they could play one of the "me over you cards" if we didn't agree.  They could be good for anything from ice cream, where to eat, or if we needed to take a day off or keep on hiking.  The rule was that once one of them was played they could not be trumped or argued and that the other partner had to go along with whatever decision had been made.  It would be final and there would be no discussion.  We figured that agreeing on these cards before hand would help us in a more frustrating situation and, both understanding and having agreed to the rules, would help to alleviate the stress.  Well, we are happy to say we never had to play a single one!! I can't believe it either.  It just goes to show that I have one of the most amazing women in the world and that we were meant for each other.  I love you so much MerryCline.  


  1. So happy for you both. so inspiring! -corrie b

  2. So wonderful. Looking at yalls photos and enjoying your hike with you, made me miss it incredibly. I'm glad you enjoyed the journey. Congratulations! -BooBoo

  3. We're both so happy for you guys. An amazing feat, by amazing feet. You are both fantastic, strong people, and you so deserve the elation you must be feeling now.
    --Ron and Mary Ann Chastain

  4. Congratulations on finishing. What an epic adventure! I had so much fun just reading about your exploits (and all those snakes!). Can't imagine the highs you must feeling over what you just accomplished. Hope to see you sometime soon and hear about it all in person. --E Lyster

  5. What an incredible journey! I can't imagine how you both must be feeling. Congratulations on completing such an adventure.
    Mary Houston

  6. Congratulations guys! I've been following you guys (and Spanky's YT posts) since I met all of you (with Sleeping Beauty and the fellow from England, I think his trail name was Smiley) at the Graymoor Ballfield Shelter after you crossed the Bear Mountain Bridge.

    An amazing adventure and accomplishment. So what's next, PCT? CDT? Maybe take some time to rest.

