Friday, June 21, 2013

Less than 1,000

Been a while since our last post. Been having way to much fun! Here are a few photos of our last week. Still in Pennsylvania but now we are down to triple digits left for the trail. Officially 972.2 miles left. 

Duck parade outside Boiling Springs, PA

They had a great river that came right through downtown. 

Ducks were everywhere

Paddy Cakes & Spanky on a boardwalk 

On the trail repair from Paddy Cakes getting snagged on a barbwire. 

Pretty flowers still blooming

Had to pick one. Sorry Mom:(

A view of PA and the Susquehanna river

Part of the rocky trail we have been going through 

A two story shelter we stayed at. Good thing it was so big because there were about 15 hikers there. 

Another Timber Rattler

Bug nets still out but spirits still high. 

Cute little mushroom

Mushroom tree

Bigger than both my hands

View from one of our campsites. We camped on an island across from the river. It was great. 

Chilling at camp. Laundry drying in the background. 

Trail Magic #1 for the day. Burgers and snacks. 

The boys with Dirty Ernie and SOS. 

One of the few times we weren't in rocks. 

But quickly we returned 

Our view for the past few days so we don't twist our ankles 

Found a copperhead pit. Ended up seeing six of them. 

View from the copperhead pit. We took this picture before we saw the snakes. Paddy Cakes had no idea he had snakes right by his feet. 

Trail magic #2 for the day. More Burgers and got dogs and fresh fruit. Pennsylvania is full of magic!!!!

Best Swimming hole yet!

Sleeping Beauty doing a face flop

Paddy cakes showing us how to do it. 

Here I go showing them how the pros do it. 

Cool splash picture. 

Of course Paddy Cakes the one upper had to go Full Monty and show us all his tan lines. 

Good looking butt. Hiker butt. 

Clothes back on and still swinging. 

Sleeping Beauty almost fell off the wall before he was ready. 

But he redeemed himself and had a good swing. 

Sooooooooo Cold!

Went for the tight tuck cannon ball this time. 

The run off from the swimming pond. 

Had to leave the swimming area and keep on hiking 

More beautiful flowers. 

Always time for a nap. 

We have made it to Port Clinton, PA and are chilling in town for the day. Having some air conditioning time and taking in a few extra calories. 

Also our phone keeled over a few weeks ago and we lost all our phone numbers so anyone who wants to be in contact with us, text us your number. 

Keep on following us and we hope to have some new posts coming soon. 

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